Friday, March 4, 2011

Food has always been My First Love!

I think about food allllllllllll the time. Its borderline obsessive. I don't know why I do this. In turn I EAT. For the most part I consistently eat healthy. Well for what would be considered normal meals. I love healthy food. I love veggie burgers, brown rice, whole grains, soybeans, you name it. I know so much about healthy food and eating habits. The problem is I like unhealthy food just as much. Well maybe that's not as much the problem as my control and will to not eat that crap.
 The food that will most likely kill me one day if I don't learn to take control over what some may call an addiction. My thoughts surrounding food I think are just so distorted and I can manipulate myself into eating what I want. It's kind of crazy how I think about food. I need to be accountable and why be accountable to myself? Have you ever tried that. Its awful.
Well I leave this post for now. I am sure this is the start of my many food blogs.


  1. Well keep eating n come w me mon tue wed to the gym no excuses I need u w me so do it to help ur sister

  2. Hey I think we all need a little junkfood :) Balance, the yin yang. I am curious about some of your recipes though, something tells me you have quite a few good ones.
